RUSH's GEDDY LEE To Release '72 Stories' Book About His Baseball Memorabilia Collection

October 25, 2024

HarperCollins has set a May 13, 2025 release date for "72 Stories" from RUSH bassist/vocalist Geddy Lee. The book was previously gifted as a limited edition to the winning bidders in Geddy's 2023 auction of some of his extensive baseball memorabilia collection.

Lee touched upon the "72 Stories" book last year while speaking to the Illinois Entertainer about his baseball memorabilia auction. He said at the time: "It's a collection of stories from some of my favorite items in my collection. Maybe I'll release it on opening day next year; I don't know. I'm going to include a copy of the book to the winning bidders of those particular items in my sale that are also featured in this book. I'll give them a signed copy.'

He continued: "[The book] came together in a relatively painless way. I wrote it with my co-writer Daniel Richler. Richard Sibbald, who shot the 'Big Beautiful Book Of Bass', took the photographs. They're absolutely stunning… So, there is a book, and I'm really pleased with it. I'm trying to get it printed now, in time for the auction. It's called '72 Stories From The Collection Of Geddy Lee'."

Lee's memoir, "My Effin' Life", was released in November 2023 through HarperCollins. The book includes stories of Geddy's parents' traumatic experiences as teenagers in concentration camps in World War II as well as "intimate stories of his lifelong friendships with bandmates Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart — deeply mourning Peart's recent passing," according to the book's synopsis.

The idea for Lee's memoir came about after he wrote his previous book, 2018's "Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book Of Bass". He found the time to write "My Effin' Life" while locked down at home in Toronto during the pandemic.

The now-71-year-old Lee took "My Effin' Life" on the road to venues all over North America in November and December 2023.

Peart died in January 2020 after a three-year battle with glioblastoma.

RUSH waited three days to announce Peart's passing, setting off shockwaves and an outpouring of grief from fans and musicians all over the world.

RUSH's final tour concluded on August 1, 2015 at the Forum in Los Angeles. Peart indicated at the time that he wanted to retire while he was still able to play well, along with a desire to spend more time at home with his young daughter.

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